EFT Protocol
Tapping Points
The common tapping points of EFT starts with tapping at at least four or more times on the "karate" chop place on the hand, moving to the space between the eyebrows, the side of the eyebrow, underneath the eye, underneath the nose, on the chin, the place where the collar bones meet, underneath the arm and the crown of the head.
First Round of Tapping
While tapping on the karate chop point of the hand, state the problem and end with a positive affirmation, such as, "Even though I have this problem [name the problem], I accept myself deeply and completely." A second tapping is done in the same place, stating the problem and affirming, "I still love myself deeply and unconditionally." After the third time on the karate chop point, a complete round of tapping begins on the key meridian points while stating aloud the problem.
Second Round of Tapping
After the first round, a second round is begun, this time in the affirmative. Speak aloud positive affirmations while tapping each of the key meridian points four or five times. On the last taps upon the crown of the head and after completing the affirmation, take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Take a quick zero to 10 emotional pain assessment and repeat as necessary.