What Are the Functions of Foot Pads?
FTC Charges
The Federal Trade Commission charged detox foot pad marketers with false and deceptive advertising in 2009. The FTC has ruled that the supposed positive benefits that can be derived from foot pads are false, as they have no supporting evidence to the contrary, and also that foot pad manufacturers should be required to provide monetary redress to consumers who have been duped into purchasing the product. The FTC also seeks to bar detox foot pad manufacturers from marketing the foot pads in a deceptive manner.
Although clearly the effects of foot pads are in question, several ingredients are contained within them. All the ingredients within detox food pads are placed there with the intention of "reacting" with your body and improving cell function. These can include wood vinegar, plants and herbs as well as tourmaline---a type of mineral.
The process of wearing detox foot pads is quite long and drawn out. Most manufacturers recommend the foot pads be worn over a period of 30 days. Each day the foot pad must be applied and removed from your foot. Beginning when you go to bed, you are instructed to place a detox foot pad on the bottom of only one of your feet. When you wake up in the morning, you can remove it. During removal, the foot pad will have a discolored appearance, which is claimed to be the toxins that have been removed from your body, according to the manufacturers. Further foot pads can be worn periodically after the 30 day period for "maintenance" if desired.