How to Learn ThetaHealing
Things You'll Need
- ThetaHealing Series of Books
Early Learning
Read the first book "ThetaHealing" by Vianna Stibal. This will tell you if ThetaHealing is right for you. It is important to read the book in the correct frame of mind, don't rush through it. Read with a smile on your face and breathe deeply to keep the body relaxed. Do not read the book with the thought of "trying" ThetaHealing. Instead, read the entire book and decide whether to do the exercises or not. Decisiveness is required.
Read the books "Advanced ThetaHealing" and "Disease and Disorder." There are several videos on the website that can give a visual demonstration of some of the techniques.
Find a class or seminar in your area. There are more and more certified ThetaHealing Instructors springing up all over the world. These instructors offer classes and sometimes one-on-one tutoring. The coursework to become a certified practitioner requires about eight weeks of study. Topics covered include Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Intuitive Anatomy, Manifesting Abundance, World Relations, and Disease and Disorders. There are also additional courses aimed at using ThetaHealing on Rainbow Children. Certification as a ThetaHealing Practitioner entitles the person to use their healing power to help others.
Advanced Training
Attend workshops for ThetaHealing Instructor certification. Classes are offered through THInK, or ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge. Instructor certification is also offered through accredited seminars and conferences all over the world. Certification entitles the student to teach basic ThetaHealing to others. In addition to the classes required to be a practitioner, instructor certification also requires an additional eight weeks of course work designed to teach the Practitioner classes.
Attend the ThetaHealing Masters and ThetaHealing Certificate of Science. Certification entitles the bearer to teach new instructors and open centers all over the world. The course work for this includes advanced ThetaHealing classes and practice over a three year period.
Open a ThetaHealing center that offers healing and training for others.