How to Use EFT Tapping for Law of Attraction
Things You'll Need
- Writing journal
- Pen
Identify in a writing journal the issue(s) you wish to address and the positive outcome(s) you would like to achieve. Reflect on what thoughts and/or behaviors might be limiting you, keeping in mind a clear sense of the power of the law of attraction.
Maintain an ongoing account of this in your journal as you progress through EFT tapping. It will help you track your success and develop ongoing intentions.
Write down some positive affirmations related to your intentions to say out loud once you begin tapping. These should begin with acknowledging what you wish to address or change, and end with a reassuring statement. Here are some examples:
Even though I do not like my current job, I know everything will work out fine.
Even though my husband left me, I completely love and accept myself.
Even though my kids overwhelm me, I am okay.
Note that the reassuring end statement is not necessarily a stated solution, but rather a statement of faith and self-acceptance. It is intended to help create a clearing.
EFT Tapping Basics
EFT tapping is often referred to as "emotional acupressure." There are nine primary EFT tapping points on the body, and these correlate with major energy points identified in Chinese acupuncture. By tapping on these points, energy blockages have been found to clear. A key premise behind EFT tapping is that emotional and physical challenges create energy blockages in the body, and that by clearing the energy blockages, you often also release the emotional and physical challenges underlying them. Thus, healing is found to occur on many levels.
Stating your intentional affirmations with conviction out loud while doing EFT tapping is felt to assist with such energy clearing, at the same time creating a stronger mind/body acceptance of new thought patterns, and thereby, a means to foster the law of attraction.
Know the nine primary EFT tapping points on your body. They are as follows:
1) Karate chop--the fleshy outside edge of your hand, just below the pinkie finger
2) Top of head--at the crown
3) Eyebrow--inner edge of eyebrows near the bridge of your nose
4) Side of eye--at outside edge of eyebrow, near outer corner of your eye
5) Under eye--directly below the pupil on the cheekbone
6) Under nose--just above top lip
7) Chin--midway between lower lip and tip of chin
8) Collarbone--just off-center from where the sternum, first rib and clavicle meet
9) Under arm--approximately 4 inches below the armpit
Some EFT tapping practitioners work with additional tapping points, but these are good ones to start with.
Begin by tapping the karate chop point while saying affirmations out loud and then proceed to the remaining points in the order listed above. Tap at least seven to 10 times at each point, saying your affirmation each time. Do not tap too hard, but enough so you can clearly feel it. It should not hurt. Use two or three fingers and rapid movement, though not too fast. Most people prefer to use their dominant hand, but there is no set rule. You may also tap with both hands at once.
Make note of whether you experience more response at certain points than others. As you learn more about EFT tapping, you will learn that each point is correlated with certain parts of the body and particular emotions. To begin, it is best to tap all points mentioned above, but as you become more experienced, you can tailor your tapping to the issues being addressed and include additional tapping points.
When finished with a tapping session, assess how you feel and what progress you have made. Record this in your writing journal for future reference. Being attentive to the entire process will help ensure your positive outcome. Many people report being surprised at how quickly they experience noticeable change.