Etheric Parasite Removal

The word "ether" comes from the Latin root meaning "to burn." The definition of "etheric" is space or clear sky, or, in physics, "an invisible medium formerly thought to pervade space and transmit light, heat, etcetera." So this is no ordinary parasite that needs to be removed. Etheric parasite removal refers to dislodging a spiritual entity, a process akin to an exorcism.
  1. The Etheric Body

    • Spiritual traditions differ in how they describe the supposed energy that animates the physical body. In India, they call it prana. In Japan, ki. The Greeks described pneuma, and the Polynesians say mana. Clairvoyants and energy healers call it the etheric body, and treat it just as seriously, if not more so, than the physical body.

    Types of Etheric Parasites

    • Energy healers believe that bodiless spiritual entities sometimes latch onto living humans or animals. These moochers are etheric parasites. Some are simply negative thought forms generated by the bad thoughts and emotions of living humans. Others are the spirits of dead humans, also known as ghosts. Some are aliens or, worst of all, demonic entities. While the majority of Americans don't believe in demonic possession, a 2005 Gallup poll showed that 42 percent do. This figure has dropped from 49 percent at the beginning of the last century.

    Choosing a Host

    • As for how entities select hosts, believers say "like attracts like." The ghost of a suicide might attach to a suicidal living person. Hateful thought forms will be attracted to hateful people. Demonic attachments feed on the weak, and on practitioners of black magic, as a trade off for the occult powers initiates receive. According to Robert T. Carroll, author of the Skeptic's Dictionary, movies like "The Exorcist" and "Amityville Horror" are responsible for convincing people that demonic possession is possible.

    Dislodging Etheric Parasites via Starvation

    • According to Tom Montalk, who writes a website devoted to "fringe science," once the host realizes the presence of the uninvited entity, she must identify exactly what emotions, thoughts and behaviors attracted the etheric parasite. These must all change. Positive thoughts must replace negative ones. The parasite will slowly begin to starve and eventually leave.

    Direct Dislodging of the Etheric Parasite

    • If the parasite is a human entity, the host might be able to reason with it, talking it into leaving and going on to the afterlife, Montalk advises. But malicious entities need to be dealt with more harshly. It might be wise to leave this to the professionals, such as priests, shamans or therapists who specialize in spirit release hypnosis. But hardcore do-it-yourselfers will take things into their own hands. Etheric entities are best attacked during the hypnagogic state, Montalk says, the place between waking and sleeping. The host then summons up all her etheric energy, perhaps calling on Jesus or other gods of choice, and focuses on overpowering the entity with her energy. The entity might not go gently into the etheric night; it may writhe, growl, shriek, and cause unpleasant tingles in the host. The host must calmly carry on, striving for separation by elevating her own confidence and emotional state.


    • Carroll warns that people of various spiritual paths have been injured or killed by botched exorcism attempts. People have been suffocated, strangled and made to drink injurious concoctions by apparently well-meaning spiritual leaders and family members. Carroll thinks that the excorcists are more deluded than those who believe they are possessed. "Believing in demons is one thing," he writes. "Believing you have the ability to call up a supernatural being with infinite power and perfection who will cause demons to move on at your behest seems certifiable."

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