How to Get Rid of Negative Energy
Think positive thoughts through the acts of meditation and/or prayer. Even if the negative energy that's affecting you came from outside forces, the effort to getting rid of them has to begin from within yourself. Prayer or meditation in a quiet room is the launching point for ridding yourself of unhealthy energy.
Listen to soothing, relaxing music. The old expression that music soothes the savage beast is correct, even if the beast is negative energy. Playing slow or mid-tempo songs, particularly instrumental jazz or classical music, can be very therapeutic and relieve stress.
Throw out objects that are associated with negative experiences or thoughts. If you still have your former significant other's clothes, furniture or other belongings at your residence after a break-up, those objects may still hold bad energy and should be gotten rid of. The same goes for old bills, job rejection letters, photos, etc.
Exercise either moderately or vigorously, depending on your level of negative energy. Exercise is proven to be good for both your mental and physical health. Going for a walk or run, lifting weights and playing sports are all good ways to not only release negative vibes, but also burn calories and drop unwanted pounds, as well.
Play with a pet, if you have one. Playing with an animal can help increase positive emotions. Dogs, cats, fish and other types of household pets have been known to relieve stress in humans.
Burn some incense to increase positive energy. The fragrant smoke of incense produces a pleasant smell that has a long history of usage in the church. It's often used in modern day aromatherapy and meditation rituals.
Find a new job if the negative energy you're experiencing is coming from the workplace. If you have demanding work situation where stress and bad energy are being carried over to your personal life, look for employment opportunities elsewhere. A transfer to another department within the same company is something to look into, but if that's not a possibility, look for outside opportunities.