How to Obtain Reiki Certification

Reiki healing is an ancient form of hands-on energy healing that was rediscovered in the mid-1800s by Mikao Usui in Japan. The word Reiki comes from the words Rei meaning life and Ki meaning energy. Reiki is a non-invasive, yet effective form of energy healing.

In order to become a Reiki healer a person must receive an attunement from a Reiki Master. An attunement is an initiation process that opens the chakras in the student's palms, crown and heart which allows them to channel healing Reiki energy. There are three levels of Reiki certification: Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master. The amount of Reiki energy you are able to channel increases with each Reiki level attunement. Becoming a Reiki healer is a worthwhile and rewarding experience.


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      Choose a qualified Reiki school or class.

      For optimum learning, find a teacher that has many years experience. You can take your class in person or online, but it must be with a Reiki Master as they are the only ones who can pass on attunements and give you a certification.

      Originally Reiki knowledge was closely guarded. However, modern thinkers believe that Reiki should be freely shared; consequently classes are easy to find. Local community college education classes, holistic health centers, parks and recreation classes, and online are good places to look.

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      Obtain your Reiki I certification.

      Commit the hand placement protocol to memory. Be open and relaxed during your class.

      When you receive your attunement, you may or may not feel any change within yourself, but most new Reiki healers find they are very sensitive to loud noises and any kind of negativity for the first few days. Be gentle with yourself after your attunement.

      Use your Reiki I healing powers as often as you can in the first month, even if you use it only on yourself. This will help establish your channel.

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      Obtain your Reiki II certification.

      Plan for at least four to six months to pass in between your Reiki I and Reiki II attunements. You need to acclimate yourself to being a Reiki I healer before you can advance to a Reiki II certification.

      You can return to the place of your original Reiki training, or find another class either in person or online.

      Reiki II healers learn powerful healing symbols of which they must memorize the names and how to draw them. Usually this is required before the end of class and before you receive your second attunement. Reiki II class hours vary by school and teacher, so find one that fits your schedule.

      Upon receipt of your Reiki II certification your Reiki power will increase and in addition to regular hands-on healing, you will be able to do distance healing. Use your new power as often as possible.

      As with Reiki I, you may have new sensitivities after your Reiki II attunement. Remember to take things slow for a few days.

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      Obtain Reiki Master Certification.

      Many Reiki students stop at Reiki II but if you choose to move on to Reiki Master, allow time to be accustomed to being a Reiki II healer. Recommended times vary, but at the very least, wait six months. Some traditional Reiki Master/Teachers will not give Master attunements unless you commit your life to Reiki and have had several years of training. Check with your Reiki training center.

      In this final level you must learn, at the minimum, additional healing symbols, their names and how to draw them. You will also learn the protocol for passing on Reiki attunements.

      While a Reiki Master certification is obtainable within a relatively short period of time, it is recommended that you study as much as you can on Reiki tradition afterward. If the traditional Reiki training requires many years of apprenticeship, then you know you are not going to learn all there is to know about being a Reiki Master in a weekend course. Join Reiki healing groups, read, learn and continue the Reiki tradition.

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