How to Use Lemurian Crystals

Lemurian crystals were originally found in Brazil around 1999 by miners looking for quartz. The crystals have horizontal striations on at least one side and are typically a frosted color or light pink. Some individuals believe lemurian crystals possess special powers of healing and energy, and work best for the person who owns them. There are a few different methods of utilizing these crystals for personal use and guidance.


    • 1

      Say hello to the lemurian crystal when first acquired and hold it in your hand. The energy from the crystal may help you connect with your heart chakra. Hold the crystal when working on balancing your chakras for additional energy.

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      Try sleeping with a lemurian crystal in your hand. The energy of the crystals may improve the quality of sleep and provide for a variety of dreams.

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      Hold a lemurian crystal in your hand and stroke it lightly while meditating. This may help you focus on your mediation process.

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      Hold a lemurian crystal in your right hand as you walk around a person, place or object that you wish to protect. This may direct a protective energy around that object or person.

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      Focus on healing while holding a lemurian crystal. The answer to what ails you and how to help resolve the problem may more easily be revealed through channeling the crystal's energy.

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