How to Heal With Radio Frequencies

Dr. Hulda Clark was a proponent of the theory that parasites, viruses and bacteria can be destroyed by exposure to electrical currents of various strengths. She designed devices known as zappers with which you can administer these currents to yourself, without any medical training.

Things You'll Need

  • Zapper
  • Paper towels
  • Saltwater solution
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  1. Zapping Disease Organisms

    • 1

      Wrap the handholds. Most zappers have handholds made of copper pipe. Since small amounts of copper can be absorbed through the skin, you should wrap the handholds with paper towels before using them.

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      Wet the papered handholds. Add a pinch of salt to a shallow dish of water and quickly roll each handhold in it. The handholds should be damp, but not dripping. The salt water will make your handholds more conductive and improve the signal strength of your zapper.

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      Connect the handholds to your zapper. Your zapper should have two alligator clip leads. Plug the leads into your zapper and clip one of them to each handhold, making sure they're in direct contact with the copper pipe, without touching the paper towels.

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      Grip the handholds. Pick up a handhold with each hand, grasping it firmly. It doesn't matter which handhold goes to which hand, but you should reverse hand positions for the second cycle and reverse them again for the third cycle.

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      Start the sequence. Turn on the zapper and let it run for seven minutes while you grip the handholds. If the zapper doesn't automatically shut off, turn it off and relax your grip for 20 minutes (you can do something else during this time). When 20 minutes have passed, grip the handholds and turn the zapper back on for a second cycle of seven minutes. Turn the zapper back off when seven minutes is up and relax your grip for another 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, grip the handholds and start the zapper for the final seven-minute cycle. Again, reverse your hand positions with each cycle.

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