Five Element Qigong Yin Organ Exercises
Principals of Five Element Qigong
The Five Elements are: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. All of these, with the exception of Earth, are Yin and Yang. Qi, or the life force, flows through Yin and Yang organs by way of the meridians and when that force is out of balance the organs affected are unable to maintain health. All are interrelated so one influences the other. Wood is associated with the liver; heart is fire, the spleen earth, the lungs metal and the kidneys water. If the heart is not balanced it can affect the lungs and so on throughout the system. In essence, fire can destroy wood and melt the metal of earth. Water is essential to life and growth but has the ability to put out fire. All elements must be in sync to preserve health.
The Five Movements of the Qigong Yin Organ Exercises are: ascending, descending, entering and leaving motions. In the practice of medical Qigong the specific Qi exercises are combined with meditation and breathing in order to alleviate stress and free tension in the organs. Qigong is beneficial for all age groups. It slows down the aging process and boosts overall energy. Benefits obtained from the Five Movements are the bringing of oxygen to the cells and improvement of bowel movement so toxins can flow from the body. Five Element Qigong is useful in reducing symptoms of an impressive list of ailments. The exercises help control pain and anxiety and aid the body in the absorption of nutrition.
Chinese Theory
The Chinese do not believe in treating just one organ or one symptom. They view the body as a whole and insist that the Five Element theory is the only way to maintain both physical health and mental stamina. Maintaining the flow of qi throughout and addressing the body elements with beneficial movements is the basis of their 'whole family' treatment. Just as the family must function as a unit to maintain life and healthy activity so must the individual body.
General Information
Qigong exercise videos, books and samples can be found online or at your local retail. The exercises are mild and relatively easy to learn.