About Infrared Light Therapy
Infrared Light
The sun is a primary source of ultraviolet rays. These rays are made up of a series of frequencies that are present in the physical environment. These frequencies are different forms of energy that appear as colors, and as invisible wavelengths. Infrared light frequencies sit just above the visible spectrum where colors reside. These frequencies are made up of waves that are shorter and faster than visible light waves. As a result, these frequencies carry more energy than those contained in visible light. These energies have been found to have healing effects on the biological processes that take place in the body.
Infrared Therapy Devices
Infrared light therapy devices use low emission frequencies to provide heat and stimulation to specific areas of the body. These devices work by creating a heat effect on the skin surface, and in underlying tissue mass. Pain relief, muscle relaxation and joint mobility are conditions where low emission devices are used. Healing effects are believed to result from the energy emitted by infrared waves, which work to stimulate cellular healing mechanisms and promote circulation within the affected areas.
Laser Devices
Infrared, low-level laser devices are designed to stimulate physiological processes at the cellular level. Laser devices are designed more so to increase stimulation rather than administer heat to effected areas. This technique is based on quantum physics principles regarding the electromagnetic fields present in all forms of matter. This form of light therapy works through a biomodulation process in which metabolic processes within cells and tissue are increased. This increase prompts the natural repair mechanisms within cells and tissue to heal the area being treated.
Pain Therapy
The energy contained in infrared waves is capable of traveling up to 2 to 3 inches below the skin's surface. Light therapy treatments used for pain management work by removing the sensory nerve endings that generate the pain sensation. While pain medications work to numb these nerve endings, infrared energy is used to destroy them. As the central nervous system is designed to re-grow these nerve ending within a short period time, this is believed to be a safe, alternative treatment technique. However, the actual source of the pain is not treated by light therapy, only the symptom.
The human brain is designed to reorganize or restore its neural network pathways when trauma, injury or disease is present in the body. This ability enables the brain to respond to these conditions, and make steps to restore bodily systems. Infrared light therapy techniques can be used to stimulate neural processes to respond to stressed or traumatized regions within the body. However, stimulation applied to neural processes can potentially create faulty neural networks that give rise to abnormal effects that may, or may not result in permanent damage.