What Are the Kinds of Fasting?
Detoxification Fasting
Detoxification fasting consists of drinking only water or juice for a prescribed period of time. Fasting is the process of depriving the body of food, causing it to burn stored fat for energy. As the stored fat is burned, the toxins it contains are excreted through the body. The fasting process continues until the fat reserves are depleted, at which time starvation begins which produces many adverse effects.
Partial Fasting
A partial fast consists of not eating or drinking food or liquids that have negative effects on the body. An example of partial fasting is to ingest only fruits and vegetables. There are many diets centered around this type of fasting, some of which last a month or more, while others are set to last only a short period of time. While weight loss does result, if the fasting continues for a length of time it is necessary to ensure the body receives essential nutrition before starvation begins.
Absolute Fasting
Depriving the body of solid food and all liquids -- including water -- constitutes absolute fasting. The purposes of absolute fasting are primarily religion-oriented or for purposes of health. The health theory is that since the digestive system is not operating and the body is not involved in processing nutrients, all energy is diverted to the immune system causing a boosted curative effect. Absolute fasting is conducted for 12 to 72 hours at a time. A physician's counsel as to the length of the exercise is advised before beginning an absolute fasting.
Weight Loss Fasting
This method of fasting involves eating a generous, but nutritionally sound, lunch every other day and depriving the body of food and juices the remainder of that 24-hour period. On alternate days, the person fasting eats whatever is desired and the next day the cycle begins anew. The obvious benefits are that food restriction occurs only every other day with the expectation of returning to unrestricted eating the next day. This type of weight loss fasting is not as restrictive as daily fasting making it possible to remain on the program longer and lose more weight over a greater period of time.