How to Detoxify Aluminum
Remove old paint. Paint used as late as the 1970s was made from lead, an aluminum-based compound. Both lead and aluminum and toxic and accumulate in the body over time. If lead paint is stable and not chipping, covering it with nontoxic paint or wallpaper is enough to keep it in place. If the paint is chipping and easily accessible to children, such as on a windowsill, paint should be careful removed. Consider hiring a contractor with experience in lead paint removal.
Check the rest of the house for aluminum triggers. Many shampoos and skin care products contain aluminum typically titled "Aluminum lauryl sulfate." The aluminium is absorbed into the skin when these products are applied, along with any other toxins they may contain. Deodorants also use aluminum to tighten sweat glands under the arms. Switch to natural or organic skin-care products to avoid aluminum absorption in this way.
Avoid drinking water from the tap. Purchase a water filter that specifically filters aluminum along with other metals. Replace the filter when needed. Make coffee, tea and cook with filtered water as well. Drink at least 8 ounces of filtered water a day. Water is natural cleanser and helps eliminate heavy metals throughout the body. Include the juice from half an organic lemon once a day to boost detoxifying power.
Adjust your diet. Aluminum is found all around, but we can't properly detoxify if we are ingesting more toxins. Include more organic fruits and vegetables, such as berries and dark leafy greens, which tend to have the most antioxidants. These antioxidants detoxify the body. Cut back or stop using processed flours, dairy products, sugars, alcohol and cigarettes. Include herbs and spices with healthy properties such as garlic, clove, cinnamon, and cilantro in particular, which is known as a chelating agent. This natural chelation purges heavy metals from the body.
Exercise. Exercising reduces fat where most toxins and heavy metals are stored. Exercise detoxifies the body by increasing circulation and activating the lymphatic system. Circulation and the lymphatic system work to remove toxins and metabolic waste from cells. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is good for detoxing as well as traditional Eastern exercises such as yoga or gi-gong.