How to Make a Sea Salt Flush
Things You'll Need
- Large glass or measuring cup
- Filtered water
- Non-iodized sea salt
- Spoon
Measure one quart of room temperature or warm water in a measuring cup. Choose filtered water. This is an intensive cleanse and even impurities found in tap water should be eliminated.
Add 2 teaspoons of high-quality sea salt to the water. Do not use iodized sea salt; it will not produce the desired results.
Stir until all salt is dissolved.
Drink all the water quickly, within no more than ten minutes. It is important for the liquid to move through your system in its entirety to accomplish a successful flush.
Remain close to bathroom facilities. The effects of a salt-water flush will require several trips to the bathroom within a short amount of time. Urgent bouts of diarrhealike elimination should be expected.