Threelac Cleansing Instructions

Threelac is a bacterium that has the ability to consume Candida yeast within a human body. It was first discovered in Japan and brought to the United States by Global Health Trax to use as a health supplement to treat yeast overgrowth within the intestinal system. The bacterium is capable of surviving stomach acids and passing through to reach your small intestines. Once there it will consume yeast that may be present within your intestines.

Things You'll Need

  • Threelac packets
  • Water
  • Food
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    • 1

      Take 1 packet of Threelac before eating a meal during the first two weeks.

    • 2

      Increase the amount of Threelac intake to 2 packets a day before a meal during the third week.

    • 3

      Increase the amount of packets by one every five weeks until the 16th week.

    • 4

      Reduce the amount of Threelac packets by one each week until you are off the supplements.

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