How to Do a Cellulite Detox
Drink water each day, at least 8 cups. Water helps you to feel full so you are less likely to overeat. Water also adds bulk to fecal matter so bowel movements occur more often. This allows the body to rid itself of harmful materials and toxic substances that the body removes through the colon. Add lemon to the water, as this will act as a natural purifier within your body.
Exercise every day to reduce fat deposits. Exercise is a great way to lose weight and the fat that contributes to the cellulite. Aerobic exercise offers the fastest way to lose fat. Walking, running, dancing, biking and other forms of physical activity are very effective in burning fat. Because most toxins are stored in the fat cells, ridding the body of fat not only helps to reduce the amount of toxins the body stores but also reduces cellulite..
Eat high-fiber foods every day. High-fiber foods include fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods make you feel full so you eat less. Fiber-rick foods also add bulk to fecal matter so a person has more bowel movements. The fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins and minerals the body needs to stay healthy. Eating better reduces the amount of fat you consume so the cellulite decreases. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day to improve colon health.
Eat less foods rich in fat and sugar. Also do not smoke cigarettes or consume large amounts of alcohol. Caffeine is also considered harmful to health. By eliminating or reducing certain substances, you can improve you over health, cleanse the body of toxic materials and unhealthy fat, and ultimately lose the cellulite.
Consume foods that alive and organic. As a part of your detox regime, eat nothing that has been frozen or reconstituted. Eat green leafy vegetables at least twice daily. Add garlic to all the alive and organic foods that are you are eating, as it acts as a natural liver enzyme activator which helps them body more rapidly rid itself of toxins.