How to Prepare for a 10 Day Cleanse
Write the date to begin your 10 day cleanse on a calendar that you view regularly. Going through a cleanse is an exciting and challenging adventure. While it may not be as fun as a vacation, a cleanse may feel many times as transforming. Set the date and give yourself time to prepare for the journey.
Eliminate toxins you are putting into your body. Set yourself up for the greatest success by not consuming additional toxic food like caffeine, sugar, dairy and alcohol just before you begin your cleanse.
Drink water to stay hydrated. It may be tempting to have one last "hurrah" before you are restricted to your cleanse, but this will defeat the purpose of purifying your body and may make the process more physically painful. When your body eliminates toxins naturally through a 10 day cleanse, it can create flu-like symptoms. The more toxins your body has to deal with, the more likely you could feel sick.
Gather all of the necessary supplies. Depending on what type of 10 day cleanse you'll be doing, you may need a juicer or certain food supplies like protein shake mix. Do the necessary research about your particular cleanse so that you know what you need for success. Ensuring that you have everything at your disposal helps you keep on track and less likely to slack if an item is not readily available at your fingertips.
Prepare yourself mentally. During a 10 day cleanse, you will face hunger, denial of your desires and possibly physical discomfort. Cleanses, while physical in nature, also cleanse your mind. The cleanse may bring up old issues so keep a journal for a few weeks beforehand. Write about how you're feeling about the cleanse and make note of why you're doing it. When you get frustrated, you can look back on your notes and encourage yourself to keep going.