How to Cleanse With Vinegar

When toxins build up in your body, they weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Detoxing your body with a cleanse is a recommended remedy to this problem. According to the Mayo clinic, however, there is no evidence that cleanses work to detoxify your body. Yet the number of people who believe in detox remains high. The antioxidant and antibacterial qualities of apple cider vinegar makes it a popular part of a cleanse.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 gallon bottle apple cider vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • 100 % fruit juice (optional)
  • Salad
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  1. Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

    • 1

      Fill a large glass with water or 100% fruit juice, such as tomato juice.

    • 2

      Add two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

    • 3

      Drink the mixture before each meal during your detox.

    Apple Cider Vinegar Salad Dressing

    • 4

      Whisk three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of olive oil in a small bowl.

    • 5

      Add optional ingredients to taste. Some options include crushed garlic, herbs, honey and organic yogurt.

    • 6

      Mix all ingredients well, and pour over your salad. You can also enjoy the dressing with grilled chicken and veggies.

    Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

    • 7

      Fill your bathtub with hot water until it covers most of your body.

    • 8

      Pour in two to four cups of apple cider vinegar.

    • 9

      Soak in the tub for at least 20 minutes. The vinegar will help flush out toxins through your skin.

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