How to Properly Detoxify Your Body
Drink one glass of water every two hours. Drinking enough water enhances the function of your kidneys, enabling them to flush out toxins faster. Water also helps you produce more sweat during exercise.
Eat green leafy vegetables every day. Green vegetables such as spinach, chard and kale contain an abundant amount of chlorophyll, which protects your liver and kidneys. These vegetables also help your body eliminate environmental toxins such as pesticides, paints and heavy metals.
Consume foods high in soluble fiber, like psyllium and oat bran. Fiber helps your digestive system flush out toxins and cholesterol by binding to them and excreting them out of your body via feces. Eat these types of food daily.
Perform high-impact aerobic exercises every day. High-impact exercises stimulate sweating and improve your metabolism. They also help your digestive system quickly push food and toxins out of your body via feces. Daily aerobic exercise is an important part of the detoxification process.
Avoid chemicals from food and environmental sources. Stay away from tobacco, caffeine, sugar, alcohol and illegal drugs. These substances will increase the toxins in your body and slow down any kind of detoxification program.