How to Detox Your Body
Your Health is priceless and is one of the most valuable assets to you. You need your health to enjoy a long and disease-free life. Rightfully so, it is believed by many that good health is more valuable than riches and wealth. After all, if you are not in good health how are you going to be able to enjoy your wealth and material riches. A body detox is a great way to get your body back to a toxin-free and healthy state. Detoxifying your body on a regular basis helps to prevent diseases, injuries and other unhealthy ailments. There are a variety of ways to do a body detox. Here are three of the more popular ones.
Ion Footbath Detox
An ion footbath is a wonderful and relaxing way to get rid of the toxins and poisons in your body. The procedure calls for you to sit in a chair, much like the one when you're getting a pedicure. The chair has a tub connected to the bottom of it that contains water filled with negative and positive ions. All you have to do is put your feet in this container and let the water do the rest. The ions in the water will remove poisons and toxins from your body by way of your feet.
Colon Cleanse
Since the colon is the pathway that your body uses to rid itself of waste and toxins, you will definitely want to keep it clean and unclogged. When the colon is clogged and trapped with poisonous waste it is extremely dangerous to your health and makes your body prone to all sorts of diseases and health complications. Although using this method to detox your body may be the most uncomfortable, it's quite easy. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a tube into the colon and sends warm water through the tube in order to flush it out.
Herbal Cleanse
You can also detox your body by doing an herbal cleanse. This is considered the best way to clean your inner body. This method can improve your eating habits and is really quite inexpensive. All you have to do is look up the best herbs to use and go to your local store and pick them up in the vitamin and health section. The great thing about using herbs is they're all natural and are totally safe for the body. This means that there are no side effects.
Remember that a body detox is a great way to get your body back to it's natural state of well being and ultimately helps you live a longer and healthier life.