Colonics Vs. Enemas
Colonics are often called high colonics because the water reaches all three sections of the large instestines, including the descending, transverse and descending. An enema only reaches the first 18 inches of the colon.
Colonics are usually administered through a licensed colon hydrotherapist at their place of business. A machine sends a constant supply of ozonated water through the colon, which is dispelled into a basin. Enemas can be performed at home with an enema bag. It normally takes about 15 enemas to equal the amount of water used in a colonic session.
Water from an enema is primarily used for relieving constipation. However, some people use coffee or certain herbs during enema sessions, which is believed to remove toxins. Colonics are used to remove much deeper fecal impactions, reshape distended colons, expel parasites and hydrate the body.
Colonics are much more expensive than enemas. Colonics can cost up to $75 per session. Contrarily, an enema bag is relatively inexpensive. There is no additional expense if one uses just water.
People with more serious ailments such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis would probably benefit more from a colonic than a enema. People with occasional irregularity would be better off just doing an enema.