Threelac Dangers
Die Off Reaction
Using ThreeLac to cure a major overgrowth of candida may cause a "die off reaction." This effect comes from the toxins released from the dying fungus. An increase in, as well as onset of new symptoms, may occur with negative side effects that contribute to intestine and bowel irritability including further constipation.
Lactose Intolerance and Other Danger
Two different types of milk bacteria make ThreeLac, thus persons allergic to dairy products can expect rashes or hives affecting the skin. In the digestive region, unwanted bloating and diarrhea occur with lactose intolerance. Irritation to the respiratory system is another possible danger of ThreeLac causing runny nose and asthma for dairy-product intolerant users. Casein is protein found in milk products so casein-intolerant users join those in jeopardy applying this probiotic to health regimes. Containing lactic acid ThreeLac introduces into the body may cause antibiotic resistant urinary tract infections to users. According to a report on about infections caused by Group D Enterococcus Faecalis (the medical name of lactic acid), long-time patients using other antibiotics and ingesting ThreeLac are in danger of contracting antibiotic-resistant urinary tract and pelvic infection strains of enteroccus faecalis.
Yeast Allergy and Drug Interaction
Since ThreeLac contains brewers yeast, anyone allergic to this living organism would avoid using this probiotic. Allergic symptoms to brewers yeast include migraine headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, and rash. Brewers yeast contains large amounts of tyramine that dangerously interacts with certain medications treating depression (MAOIs), as well as painkillers containing Demerol. The hazardous interaction triggers a rise in blood pressure causing hypertension problems possibly resulting in stroke and heart attack.