Home Body Cleanse
Some people like to go on juice cleanses where they only consume water along with orange, carrot and spinach juice. Author and natural health advocate Chet Day recommends the juice should be fresh-squeezed and not from concentrate. A juicer or food processor is useful for this purpose. Vitamin supplements are recommended as well, but these vitamins are not as useful to the body as those contained in fruits and vegetables. If you decide to fast while cleansing with juice, you will probably experience a lot of hunger for the first three days. After the three-day mark, the hunger fades for most people. Day also stresses diabetics should not use this type of cleanse because the juices frequently have a high amount of natural sugar that is unhealthy if your body can't process sugar correctly.
According to Dr. Frank W. Jackson, high fiber diets will help eliminate waste from the colon and intestine. Insoluble fiber such as wheat, barley and rice can't be digested properly by the body and it absorbs water as it travels through the colon and this increases the bulk of stools. Soluble fibers such as oats and oat bran provide nutrients to the bacteria in the colon that help in digestion. High fiber diets assist with establishing regularity in bowel movements and in eliminating waste that may have collected along the colon wall.
"Master Cleanse"
A popular formula in home cleansing is called the "Master Cleanse." It is consumed for ten days and is composed of two tablespoons of lemon or lime juice mixed with a half teaspoon of red pepper and two tablespoons of maple syrup. This is all added to 10 ounces of pure water. A complete fast is recommended for the ten days while using this solution, but always consult a doctor or nutritionist before undertaking it. Once the ten days have passed, start eating fruits and vegetables only for the first three to four days and then gradually work yourself back into a regular, healthy diet.