Creator's Clay Cleanse
The creator's clay cleanse is designed to use clay along with other ingredients to encourage the body to eliminate colon and intestinal build-up through natural means. The ingredients are all natural and designed to boost health while eliminating unnecessary toxins from the body. Psyllim is a fibrous plant that is a natural laxative. The inclusion of this plant encourages the body to return to a normal digestive schedule. Bentonite is the clay used in this formula. It comes from volcanic ash and is capable of absorbing toxins from the body. Flax provides a mixture of oil, protein and fiber. Its placement in this formula is designed to prevent the body from overcleansing. Apple pectin is included in this formula to prevent overcleansing by adding a little anti-diarrhea formula. Slippery elm bark is supposed to be a detox plant that draws impurities from the body. Marshmallow is included to prevent the inflammation of the intestines during the cleanse. Willow charcoal is included to draw further impurities from the body. The last ingredient is fennel seed which serves as a sweetener for the formula.
If you and your doctor determine that a clay cleanse is right for you, follow the specific instructions when using this formula. Every time you take a dose, drink it with 16 oz. of warm water with lemon juice. To increase the results seen with this cleanse, eat as many fruits and veggies as possible. Fruit for breakfast and salad for lunch is a great combination. Also, cut back on processed foods as much as possible as well as dairy products. While dairy products can be good for the body they can often clog the digestive system, which will hinder the cleanse progress.
Tips and Warnings
Do not use clay cleanse without talking to a doctor first. If you have any medical issues, make sure to discuss the safety of this plan with your doctor. Never use a cleanse of any kind without a healthy diet. The cleanse is not designed as a weight loss plan. If you wish to lose weight, the best way to do so is with a healthy diet and exercise.