How to Detoxify on the Cellular Level
Remove as many toxins from your environment and diet as possible. Substances such as coffee, cigarettes and saturated fats contribute to your toxic level and should be avoided during a cleanse.
Remove household cleaners and detergents that aren't natural and any other chemically-laden products. Additionally, replace chemical-based products such as shampoos, soaps and deodorants with natural alternatives.
Reduce stress by adding yoga, hiking, meditation or any other activity that allows you to reach or maintain inner calm.
Restrict the diet for a minimum of seven days. There are numerous detoxification programs to choose from, such as the lemonade program, which uses a mixture of maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Other alternatives are the juice program, which consists of drinking only fresh juice or water for at least seven days, and a water fast, in which no other liquid or food is consumed for seven days.
What these have in common is allowing the digestive system to rest while flushing out the toxins through the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin.
Drink a minimum of 2 quarts of water per day.
Ending Detoxification
Return to whole foods slowly. Make vegetable broth. Over several days, introduce foods such as rice and steamed vegetables.
Take vitamins that support detoxification and immune-system building. Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins help support and protect the body.
Refrain from reintroducing unhealthy products such as cigarettes or sugar.