How to Make a Parasite Cleanser
Though it is uncommon for a human to be the host of a parasite, some people do acquire parasites. People that visit many different countries and eat seafood are most at risk of acquiring a parasite. If you suspect that you have a parasite, you should visit your doctor to have the parasite diagnosed and develop a treatment plan. Utilizing a parasite cleansing program while adhering to a treatment plan to rid yourself of the parasites can lead to greater, quicker success.Things You'll Need
- Pot
- Water
- Strainer
- 3 drops black walnut tincture
- 2 tablespoons dried wormwood
- 1 tablespoon dried cloves
Bring a quart of water to a boil. Add wormwood, cloves and black walnut tincture to the boiling water. Allow the water to boil with the ingredients for 20 minutes.
Strain the mixture, removing all of the wormwood and cloves. This mixture will last approximately one week in the refrigerator.
Drink two cups of the parasite cleanse tea on the first day of the cleanse. Drink three cups of the tea on the second day. Drink four cups on the third day. Drink four cups of the tea for three more days. After drinking the tea for a total of six days, stop drinking the tea for one week.
Drink one cup of the parasite cleanse tea weekly. This will assist your body in maintaining a parasite-free environment.