Can Fasting Help Get Rid of Adrenal Fatigue?
Causes of Adrenal Stress
A number of different stress factors can tire out the adrenal glands. Emotional factors like relationship difficulties or uncertainty at work can trigger adrenal stress. Poor diet choices---especially eating many foods that are loaded with processed fats, artificial flavors and preservatives---can add to your stress load. Poor sleep habits are another contributing factor, as are environmental pollutants.
Because several stress factors are related to toxins from foods and pollutants entering the body, it's a fair question whether or not a cleansing fast will help the adrenal glands recover from fatigue.
Fasting and Adrenal Fatigue
A full fast involves drinking only fluids for the days of the fast. Many fasts recommend consuming only liquids for two days in row; some recommend fasting for only one day.
Doing a full fast to correct adrenal fatigue isn't a good idea. A full fast triggers the release of toxins from your cells so that they can be cleared from the body. During the fast, the body undergoes a great deal of stress. In a state of adrenal fatigue, such stress can actually make your fatigue symptoms worse and can hinder your overall recovery.
A Better Approach
Rather than attempting a full fast to combat adrenal fatigue, it's a better idea to assess your entire diet and make small changes that will support healing and energy. Some small changes to consider include reducing the amount of sugar and caffeine you consume. Both stimulate the body, and when you're recovering from adrenal fatigue, your body needs more rest, not more activity.
You should also increase the amount and kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables that you consume. These foods contain a high level of vitamins and minerals, nutrients that can help your body to heal. Choose foods that help you feel lighter and more alert. Avoid foods that make you feel heavy or sluggish.
Recovering from adrenal fatigue takes time and patience. By providing your body with good nutrition and avoiding foods that make you feel tired, you'll be taking an important step toward more energy and vitality.