Enzymatic Liver Cleanse
Liver Function
The liver is a vital organ that detoxifies the body, metabolizes carbohydrates and proteins, and produces biochemicals for digestion, as well as performs 500 other functions. Thousands of enzymes, which are special protein cells, trigger necessary chemical reactions in the liver, but if the liver is overloaded with toxins, alcohol, antibiotics, synthetic hormones or a junk food diet, these enzymes can't do their job and your whole body suffers.
Symptoms of a sluggish liver include high cholesterol, blocked arteries, excessive weight gain, fatigue, fatty liver, acid reflux, gallstones, constipation, sugar cravings, moodiness, headaches, allergies, severe PMS and much more. More serious symptoms, which may indicate liver disease, are yellowish eyes and skin, abdominal pain and swelling, dark urine, bloody stool and nausea.
Liver Cleanse
The first step in maintaining a healthy liver is proper nourishment. This means eliminating or cutting down on sugar, alcohol, processed food, soda, caffeine and fried foods. Eat a whole foods diet, which includes plenty of organic vegetables, especially cruciferous (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts) and leafy greens, fresh fruit, legumes, fiber, fish and a moderate amount of grass-fed or free-range animal products such as beef, chicken and eggs. Use stevia or raw honey in place of sugar.
In addition to eating healthy, you should periodically do an enzymatic liver cleanse and detoxification with specific liver-support supplementation, including calcium d-glucarate, milk thistle, burdock root, boldo leaf, tumeric, ginger, nettle, dandelion root and artichoke leaf. You can gather these supplements and customize to your particular regimen or, if you prefer to have someone else measure out the portions for you, you can purchase a complete liver cleanse kit at your local health food store.
An enzymatic liver cleanse schedule is usually a two-week program, and you take your set dose of supplements twice per day, morning and evening. Fasting is not necessary, but ideally you should eat very lightly--salads, steamed vegetables, fruit and plenty of water or herbal tea--to give your liver a break from the labor of digestion and assist it in eliminating toxins. At the very least, avoid sugar, alcohol, processed or heavy foods and eating too much in one sitting.
After the two-week cleanse is done, you can go back to your normal diet, but chances are you will be inspired to continue eating light and healthy foods.
Drink a cup of liver-support tea daily for maintenance after your cleanse is over. You can make this yourself or purchase it from a health food store.
Stop taking any medications during your liver cleanse unless otherwise directed by your doctor.