How to Rate Colon Cleansing
Determine the difficulty of the process. Some cleanses are lengthy 10 day fasts such as the Master Cleanse, requiring extreme discipline. You may not enjoy such a regimen and may seek something that fits into your lifestyle better.
Mark how fast the cleanse works for you. The idea of the cleanse is to eliminate toxins to feel more energetic and alert. When toxins are first released you may feel lethargic and worse than when you began. The faster a cleanse works, the more effective you will feel that it is.
Monitor side effects. Colon cleansing can lead to headaches, fatigue, mood swings, constipation or diarrhea. The fewer the side effects and the shorter they last, the better the cleanse will be for you--and less dangerous to continue.
Subtract the pounds. This is the bottom line for many people. The more weight lost during the cleanse the more effective and higher rated the cleanse is.