How Can I Detox My Body of Drugs?
Drinking more fluids is the first step in cleaning out the body. The article “Natural Drug Detox” on the Freedom Drug Rehab website suggests drinking “sufficient liquids.” Water dilutes any poisons and toxins, making them less potent, and flushes away the drug residue by increasing urination. Fluids also aid the body in producing blood which also helps to clean the body. The article "Water, Water Everywhere–How Much Should You Drink?” on the website for the American Dietetic Association recommends drinking at least eight to 10 cups of water each day. All drug treatment programs recognize the importance of fluids as part of recovery.
A fast is another option for cleaning the body. The article “Fasting for Detox” by Patricia Bragg on the Pure Inside Out website suggests a person limit herself to a one- to three-day fast. This is the optimum length of time for an unsupervised fast. If a person wants to fast longer, he should do so only with a doctor’s supervision.
A fast is an excellent way for the body to cleanse and heal itself. The absence of food gives the digestive system a break. Eating, digesting and processing foods involves a lot of energy. By not eating, the body uses its energy for self-cleansing. Some medical facilities incorporate a fast into their rehab programs to help get people off of drugs or alcohol.
At some treatment facilities, a daily sauna is part of the treatment program. The Freedom Drug Rehab website says that a sauna is good for “promoting perspiration to sweat out toxins.” You can use a sauna at a health club. Many health clubs offer free trial memberships for a few days or a week. A friend or relative with a membership can also take you to the club as a guest.
Exercise is also important for drug detoxification. The Freedom Drug Rehab writes, “The body does not have any use for these toxins, so they are often stored in the fat of the body.” Exercise burns fats and calories. Any type of physical activity is helpful, but running and jogging are recommended by the Freedom Drug Rehab website.