What to Eat Three Days Before Master Cleanse Secrets
The Master Cleanse, also called the "Lemonade Diet," was developed by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940s.The original concept of the Master Cleanse was to detoxify the body to promote optimal health and healing. However, the Master Cleanse is also known for weight loss, and many people have used it accordingly. The Master Cleanse is a 10-day cleansing program, also known as a fast, consisting of a liquid diet, in which no solid food is eaten. Before using the Master Cleanse, prepare for the transition from solid foods to liquids.-
Master Cleanse Ingredients
The Master Cleanse consists of organic lemons, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water. Laxative tea or sea salt is used during the cleanse to help eliminate waste from the body by producing bowel movements. Many people think they are going without food or nutrition during the cleanse, when in fact the ingredients are healthy and nutritious, making for a liquid food. Lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals, and help loosen mucus from the body. Cayenne pepper is a well-known healing herb, with cleansing capabilities, especially of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems. It also loosens mucus. Maple Syrup also contains vitamins and minerals like manganese, which support energy production. Water is another natural way to help your body rid itself of toxins, and therefore a great component of the cleanse. Although there are health benefits associated with the Master Cleanse, there may be risks as well, so always speak with your doctor beforehand, especially if you have any illnesses.
What to Eat Before the Master Cleanse
Ease into the Master Cleanse by preparing your digestive system for the liquid diet it will be consuming. By easing your way into the liquid diet, you and your body will be prepared as you slowly adapt to this new method of eating. Three days before starting the Master Cleanse, remove processed foods from your diet altogether. On each of the three days before initiating the Master Cleanse, prepare your body for this drastic change by following this diet:
Day 1: Eat fruits and vegetables.
Day 2: Prepare and drink juices/broth from vegetables and fruits.
Day 3: Consume 2 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice, mixed with water, and 2 tbsp. of maple syrup, which supplies calories.Your body is now ready for the challenge, and your brain knows your body can operate without its normal consumption of food.
What to Eat after the Master Cleanse
After the Master Cleanse, it is imperative that you do not immediately return to solid foods. The digestive system has been at rest for a while, and has to be revived. Eating solid foods too soon can cause adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and constipation. Easing out of the Master Cleanse is an important step that should not be omitted, and is perhaps even more important than the ease-in preparation before the cleanse. On each of the three days after the cleanse, follow this diet:
Day 1: Consume 3 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice with 2 tbsp. of maple syrup.
Day 2: Consume fruit and vegetable juice.
Day 3: Eat fruits and vegetables.You may now eat a regular diet, but a nutritious and healthy diet is best. Each time you use the Master Cleanse, it will be easier.
Side Effects
Although there are some healthy benefits associated with the Master Cleanse, there are also some side effects that some people may experience. Because the Master Cleanse consists of helping the body expel toxic wastes, there may be variations in the side effects you may experience, depending on your body's toxicity level. According to Master Cleanse Secrets, some of the milder side effects include hunger and/or cravings for certain foods; withdrawal symptoms, such as from stopping caffeinated beverages; tiredness that comes and goes; spontaneous and frequent bowel movements, along with possible stomach cramps; irritability or mood changes; sinus drainage; ear wax buildup; swollen glands; cold-like symptoms; and a white coating on your tongue. More serious side effects include blood pressure changes, nausea, body aches and pain. These side effects are temporary, and not everyone experiences them. Side effects are not necessarily a negative thing, but may simply show that the body is expelling toxins as it should.