The Best Way to Do Weekend Internal Cleansing
Internal cleansing involves taking steps to aid the body in flushing out waste and toxins that may be clinging to the intestinal walls in the form of fecal matter. A successful internal cleanse is meant to result in regular bowel movements, a boost in energy, promotion of good intestinal bacteria, detoxification of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs and an overall enhanced immune system. While there are several cleansing kits, pills, special diets and enemas available, a safe, easy, affordable and efficient way to achieve cleansing results over the weekend is by simply consuming salt-water. In this method, a quart of water and two-three tablespoons of unionized or seal-salt are combined and consumed. Pressure on the colon results, followed by bowel movements expected to occur within two hours. If no bowel movements are experienced, more salt should be added to the mixture before repeating the process. It is important to note that table salt should not be used, as it will not result in the desired outcome. Some people choose to fast while participating in the weekend salt-water cleanse. In this case, the cleanse is performed two to three times a day. A large amount of water should be consumed during this process. The duration of the weekend internal cleanse depends on how often one cleanses, as well as how well the body can handle the process.
While many may find the internal cleansing process daunting, most who have gone through it report feeling clean from the inside out, more energetic, lighter, less fatigued and bloated and have regular bowel movements. Internal cleansing is also said to aid in losing toxic fat and combat other health problems such as indigestion, high cholesterol, depression, mood swings and arthritis among other autoimmune issues.
While there are several proponents of internal cleansing, there is very little evidence to either support or refute its benefits. Although several doctors recommend cleansing before medical procedures such as colonoscopy, many still don't recommend it otherwise, as they contend the body's digestive system and bowel works to eliminate waste and bacteria. Among concerns with internal cleansing are that it can easily lead to dehydration. In cases where sodium phosphates are used, cleansing can lead to a rise in electrolytes, which may be harmful to those with kidney and heart disease. Individuals seeking cleansing due to constipation are advised to first try drinking plenty of water, eating a diet rich in fiber and get regular exercise.
Tips and Warnings
Individuals who take medication should first check with their medical provider before participating in cleansing.
Hydrate well while participating in weekend internal cleansing.
Beware of inflated claims that cleansing can help cure several pre-existing medical conditions.