Liver Cleanse Without Diarrhea

There are many different cleanses designed to detoxify your liver and restore your body to higher energy levels, faster metabolic rates, and improved concentration and mood. As part of any cleanse, expect side effects as your body releases toxins into the bloodstream before they can be eliminated. One common side effect of most cleansing programs is diarrhea. Controlling diarrhea will help prevent a significant loss of electrolytes that may lead to a serious medical condition. Always check with your doctor before starting a cleanse.
  1. Detox Modification

    • Depending on the type of detox program you are doing, you may be able to adjust some of the directives to limit diarrhea. For example, many fasting cleanses recommend using an enema or laxative herbal tea to help eliminate waste during a period when you are not consuming solid food. If your stool is becoming soft or you begin to have diarrhea, eliminate the laxative until the symptoms subside. The purpose of the laxative is to stimulate a movement to prevent waste from backing up. If you are eliminating during the cleanse at least once daily, you probably don't need to use an enema or laxative, which may cause diarrhea.


    • When you are detoxing and cleansing, you don't want to take a lot of medications or processed products that will put more toxins back in. Keep things as natural as possible. Because of this, herbal remedies are very popular for dealing with diarrhea during a cleanse. Herbs are not to be substituted for actual medical diagnosis and care. If you feel that your condition is worsening, seek immediate medical care.

      Herbs that will help prevent or alleviate diarrhea are blackberry leaf, raspberry leaf, bilberry and carob powder. You can steep these herbs in boiling water to make a tea and consume slowly.

      You may also make a broth of barely or use vegetable juices if these are allowed in your cleanse. Carrot or celery juice help maintain a strong electrolyte balance. If you are able to take a probiotic supplement, this will prevent and cure diarrhea.

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