Detox Cold Symptoms
Your Body's Way of Cleansing Harmful Materials
Sometimes referred to as a detox crisis or healing crisis, the detox cold or flu is a common side effect of cleansing and detoxing your body. When you choose to detox, you're encouraging your body to start cleansing harmful materials from the bloodstream and all major organs. This encouragement often causes your body to increase its natural methods of cleansing, and that in turn usually results in having cold- and flu-like symptoms for a few days.
The first week of a body detox is the most common time to have cold symptoms, and generally days two through four are the most difficult. The severity of your symptoms will vary based on how well you've treated your body over the years, and how recently you've detoxed in the past.
Common Symptoms
Most people will experience mild to moderate levels of headaches, fatigue and a runny nose. Depending upon your own body's specific needs, you may also experience coughing, diarrhea, achy muscles or general body soreness, a sore throat, chills and other flu-like symptoms. On rare occasions there are no symptoms experienced, but most people experience one or more of these symptoms on some level.
Resist the Urge to Take Prescription Drugs
It's important to understand this is a natural cleansing process your body needs to finish, and if you take over-the-counter or prescription medications to treat these symptoms, you will interfere with the cleansing and detox process. By allowing the detox flu to run its course naturally, your body is able to start feeling better much more quickly, and you'll be much happier with your overall detox results.