Ion Detox for the Feet
What is the Footbath Machine?
The detoxification footbath machine is a small box-shaped machine with a pool area filled with salt water. Inside this pool are small electrodes that will initiate the detoxification process. These machines generally cost a couple of thousand dollars to buy. As a result, it may be a good idea to rent one before considering buying these machines. They are available at online health stores or at most health stores nationwide.
The process allegedly works based on the idea of electrolysis. With your feet in the water, small amounts of electricity will run through the water. The salt in the water will ionize the electrical current, dividing it into negative and positive ions. The negative ions travel up through your feet, go through your body and gather toxins. They then deposit them in the pool. The pool will then fill up with strangely colored substances. You simply have to sit while the machine does the work for you. You may feel a tingling sensation in your feet or even slight soreness when you are done. Very few side effects are found using this machine. Don't run it for longer than 30 minutes to avoid potential damage to your feet.
The Colors
The toxins that supposedly collect in the pool are all different colors. The colors vary depending on where the toxins are pulled from. A white foam substance indicates lymph toxins. Cottage cheese like toxins are supposed to be yeast. Black flecks are metals like iron and lead. Red flecks are broken up blood clots. Whichever color shows up the most in your pool is supposed to be the system of your body that may need medical attention.
Does it Work?
The science behind this process is uncertain at best. There is much testimonial evidence suggesting that people feel better after using the machine. However, the machine hasn't been tested in a rigorous medical way. The electricity in the machine also makes it dangerous for people under 12, pregnant women, those with heart conditions, the elderly and other sick people to use.