Colon Cleansing for Diabetics
Digestive Process
The colon processes the food we eat by absorbing the nutrients and releasing them into the bloodstream and then eliminating waste from the body. If too much food is consumed (overeating) the colon can become overwhelmed, leading to constipation. When this occurs, toxins and parasites will build up in the colon and be released, affecting other organs in the body (such as the kidneys and liver). Colon cleansing will help the digestive process and the absorption of nutrients, which is beneficial to the healing process. A more efficiently functioning colon may affect blood sugar for those with diabetes, so it is imperative that a health professional be involved in monitoring the effects of colon cleansing for a diabetic. Adjustments may be needed to the diet and/or medication because of the more rapid digestion of food.
Reactions to Colon Cleansing
Some people have reactions to colon cleansing that may include headaches, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea or dizziness. These are actually signs that the process is working and that you are actually eliminating toxins from the body. Although these reactions are not considered serious, diabetics should try to avoid them by taking a more gradual approach to colon cleansing. A healthy diet can accomplish the same cleansing over a longer period with less of a reaction.
Cleansing Diet and Diabetic Diet
Some colon cleansing programs stress fasting, but total fasting can be bad for your health, especially for diabetics. In a total fast, your liver has to exert itself more than normal to flush out toxins. These toxins get into the colon and sometimes are reabsorbed into the body and eventually come back to the liver. For diabetics, total fasting will have a dramatic impact on blood sugar. Consumption of fresh organic juices, raw vegetables and lots of water will ensure that toxins are flushed out and not reabsorbed. Cleansing diets and diabetic diets can be compatible; in fact, a diabetic should already be on a healthy diet that accomplishes cleansing. For diabetics, a gradual cleansing is better than fasting, because there will be little chance of abrupt changes or adverse reactions.