How to Do a Cleanse While Working Nights
Drink more fluids. One of the easiest ways to detoxify while working nights is to have a bottle of water at your work station. Drink the water throughout the night to stay hydrated and to wash away the build-up of toxins, debris and other harmful wastes in the body. Drink at least 64 ounces of water in a 24-hour period as suggested by the American Dietetic Association in its article "Water, Water Everywhere- How Much Should You Drink?"
Consider a fast. Although you will get a dinner break during your work shift, there is no reason you need to eat out of a vending machine or use the microwave in the break room. Not eating any food for 1 to 3 days will aid the body in cleaning itself. The article "Fasting for Detox" by Patricia Braggs, PhD on the Pure Inside Out website says that a short fast is very beneficial for overall health. The body uses the energy usually reserved for digestion to instead self-heal.
Exercise more. While at work try to use the stairs instead of the elevator. If possible walk to work. If not park you car far away from the entrance and walk the distance. Try to do things that require physical activity. Even stretching is important during the night shift. If you decide to fast for a few days use the dinner break to exercise. Walk around the building or walk up and down the stairs to get cardiovascular exercise. Exercise burns calories and fat. Exercise also eliminates the toxins stores in fat cells. The article "Be Active Your Way" on the Federal Citizens Information Center website says waking is an excellent way to keep fit, but that you should be exercises that you like.
Eat fruits and vegetables. On the days that you aren't fasting, you should eat a healthy dinner while working later. Fruits and vegetables are high fiber foods that will give you energy. These foods also supply vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Fiber foods also help with elimination by making stools softer. A clean colon is important for overall cleansing reports the article "Fasting for Detrox."