How to Eat Fruits for Colon Cleansing
Things You'll Need
- Variety of fruits
- Juicer
- Water
- Laxative tea
Juice Fast
Eliminate starches, meat, sugars, alcohol and dairy from your diet a week before you go on a juice fast. This will aid in the juice fast and minimize side effects during the cleanse.
Purchase several different types of fruits, including pineapple, oranges, berries and melon. You can use other types of fruit, but do not use grapefruit if you take prescription medication, as grapefruit does not react well to drugs. Only purchase organic fruit and wash them off well before you use them.
Get a juicer, which can be found at any major retail store that carries home appliances. Juice the fruits according to the instruction manual until you have about 8 oz. of fruit juice in your glass, and drink it all.
Drink about 64 oz. of juice every day, along with water. Do not eat any solid food. The juice will give you energy and cleanse your colon very well. Take a multivitamin every day with your juice.
Drink laxative tea for three nights in a row during your juice cleanse. This will really help you lose a few pounds and clean your colon in just a few days.