Holistic Liver Detox
Liver Flush Instructions
This flush is considered highly extreme and for veterans cleansers only. If you are new to cleaning out, substitute the original 1 cup of oil with 1/2 cup of oil along with the rest of the ingredients to complete the cleanse.
Before beginning, make sure all ingredients are ready and handy. Prepare to do your cleanse on a free day with no interruptions. Eat very light the day of your cleanse. Absolutely no heavy foods, rather a diet of raw fruits and veggies. Also, refrain from taking any medication unless absolutely necessary.
The ingredients include: 3 to 4 tbsp. of epsom salt, 3 cups of water, juice of 2 to 3 grapefruits, and at least 1 cup of cold pressed olive oil.
Actual Procedure
Two o'clock is a good time to begin your cleanse. Once you begin, remember no eating. Make a mixture of water (3 cups) and epsom salt (4 tbsp.). Drink 3/4 of this mixture at 2 o'clock and again at 6 o'clock and 8 o'clock. You should have enough to last for four servings.
At about 10 o'clock make a mixture of olive oil (1/2 to 1 cup) and grapefruit juice (3/4 cups). Shake the mixture extremely well. After about 10 minutes, drink it. Next, lie on your back with a pillow underneath your head. Hopefully, you will rest well.
In the morning, around 6 o'clock, take 3/4 of the epsom salt mixture. Two hours later, take the last two servings. Again, after two hours have passed, you may begin to eat light foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Healthy Liver Tips
The purpose of cleansing out is to stay clean. Once finishing your liver flush, it's important to regenerate your body with healthier foods and lifestyle changes that will increase the liver's detoxifying capabilities. Here are a few suggestions.
Reduce indigestion of hydrogenated vegetable oils which contain trans fatty acids.
Reduce consumption of processed food and sugar.
Eat large quantities of food with high levels of anti-oxidants such as raw fruits, especially citrus, and vegetables.
Certain food can increase the productivity of the liver and help with detoxifying. Cruciferous vegetables contain phyto-nutrients which aid in detoxing the liver. These include: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, watercress and brussel sprouts. Phyto-nutrients stimulate detoxification enzymes, helping to deactivate cancer-causing chemicals.
Use food as natural antibiotics to guard against germs. Garlic, onions, leeks, horseradish and olive leaf extract are good to start off with.Milk thistle is a liver healing herb. It has been proven to repair liver impairments.
The liver needs lots of water to process waste and toxins. Drink at least 10 glasses or more a day. Your food consumption will determine how much water your body truly needs. Try eating foods high in water, such as raw fruits, vegetables and herbs. In the meantime, make sure to drink purified water.
Excess chemicals in non-organic food and produce can overtax the liver. Organic means that your food is free from synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified organisms. So, try buying organic as much as possible. Your body needs it.