Homemade Colon Cleaner
Ayurvedic Cleanse
For more than 5,000 years, people in India have benefited from the teachings of ayurveda. This method of healthy living includes breathing exercises, physical exercise (yoga), nutrition guidelines and holistic remedies. Some of these remedies originated as methods for the ruling family in India centuries ago to live long and vibrant lives. One of the most important concepts of ayurvedic teaching holds that the body occasionally needs rest and cleansing to function at peak efficiency. Ayurvedic practitioners suggest setting aside a couple of weeks when you can have a minimum of stress and activity to embark on a cleanse. For the first several days to a week, remove anything from your diet that puts a strain on your digestive or endocrine systems: food additives, added sugar, red meat, most dairy (you can eat sugarless yogurt and cottage cheese), alcohol and caffeine.
After this week of treating your system kindly, fast and use a special cleansing solution for three days. Some experienced fasters choose to go longer, but do not fast any longer than a week, and make sure you supplement with a good multivitamin. To stimulate your intestines to completely empty and tone up, mix 3 tsp. cumin, 3 tsp. coriander powder, 6 cardamom pods, 3 tsp. crushed fennel seeds, 2 pinches black pepper and 2 slices of fresh ginger. Simmer the ingredients in 6 cups of water for five minutes. Cool this mixture and store it in a covered container in the refrigerator. Drink 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup in the evening for each of the three days. After you have completed your fast, ease back into eating solid food. Continue the diet you had begun in the first week of your cleansing routine. Perform this intestinal cleaning a couple of times a year.
Quick Colon Cleanser
If you want a quick tonic for your intestines, and an occasional thorough cleansing, simply use Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). Mix 2 to 4 tsp. of the salts in 8 oz. of water. If you have never cleansed with this product before, start with the lowest dosage to see how it affects you. You may see results within an hour. If you haven't had a bowel movement in six hours, repeat the dosage. If you still have not passed a stool, see your physician; you may have a blockage. After any type of cleanse, follow a diet of whole foods to help keep your colon clean and healthy.