Natural way to detox your system without supplements
Stop Toxic Food
To detoxify your organs and blood, the first thing you need to do is look at your diet. To begin the cleansing process, eliminate foods that cause problems with digestion and elimination. Wheat and dairy often cause allergies. Processed sugar gives no nutrition and a lot of calories. Avoid meats that are loaded with hormones, antibiotics and toxins. Refrain from junk food and caffeine. When you have long-term unhealthy eating habits, it will be difficult to stop everything and focus on cleansing your system, but you can motivate yourself to do so.
What to Eat
Vegetables and fruits and their juices are a part of every detox diet. They are full of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals. Nonstarchy vegetables are excellent for diabetics, for cleansing diets and for weight loss. Consume plenty of leafy greens and fruits during the detox diet. These foods provide the liver with the necessary nutrients to help remove toxins in the blood and thus filter them out of the body. Almonds, avocado, coconut water, papaya, pumpkin seeds, watermelon, oranges and walnuts can all be eaten.
The Raw Diet
The staff and Ann Wigmore at the Optimum Health Institute claim that a sprout and wheatgrass purification program is beneficial, but it is not necessarily easy to follow. Some of diet foods included are sunflower seeds, clover, alfalfa and beans, and raw foods such nuts, vegetables and fruits. More radical fasts or wholesome liquid cleanses use fruit juices, herbal teas, vegetable broths and fermented soy or miso that, according to the Optimum Health Institute, sustain the proper functioning of the colon and add good bacteria in the intestines, which aids in further filtering of toxins.
Other than Diet
Drugs, including prescription and recreational types, can build up to a toxic level in the body. Use natural remedies such as herbs, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, massage and chiropractic, which can help with some problems without painkillers or other drugs. Also, use natural cleansers cosmetics and clothes when possible.
Detoxing your system without supplements takes place on many levels, from changing your basic diet to make it less toxic, to eating only raw foods, and then to complete fasting. Know the level of detox you need. If it's an intense cleansing program, do it only for short periods. This will prevent your body from losing vital nutrients and inadvertently releasing stored toxins back into blood and throughout the body.