Detox Juice for Kidneys
The kidneys function as a type of filter system. They filter the blood and remove all the waste materials that are not necessary in the body. It is important to keep the kidneys clean and functioning well so that that they can properly do their job. Kidney stones are also a condition that both men and women can get, caused by crystal substances that can form together in the kidneys. Detoxing the kidneys on a regular basis can help keep stones from forming, as well as help to dissolve any that have just begun.
Cranberries contain antiseptic qualities that help the kidneys function well, according to the Cranberry Institute. Drinking cranberry juice will help to detox the kidneys because the acidity of the berries kill the bacteria that may be found in the organ, and can prevent any from attacking the urinary tract. Cranberry juice detoxes help prevent both urinary tract infection and the formation of kidney stones. A glass or two of cranberry juice every day can be beneficial to a juice detox specifically for the kidneys.
Lemon juice has been a popular detox remedy, and is also beneficial for the health of the kidneys. Lemons have a detoxifying effect on the kidneys because of the diuretic effect the fruit has, causing more toxins to be released from the body. The juice of fresh lemons, as much as desired, can be added to an 8-oz glass of water. This can be drunk as much as wanted to reap the benefits of the juice.
Talk to your doctor or health care professional before attempting any type of detox program. Although most healthy persons can detox safely, those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, suffer from an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, and those with serious illnesses should not detox. Side effects from a kidney detox may include diarrhea, upset stomach and fatigue.