Kidney Cleanse Alternatives
A fast is helpful for kidneys because less energy is spent on digesting food and more is spent on cleaning the body. The article "Fasting for Detox" by Patricia Braggs on the Pure Inside Out website states that a good detoxification of the body involves cleaning out the kidneys, colon and liver. With no food being eaten, fewer toxic substances enter the body and bloodstream. This gives the kidneys less work to do. Also, some food such as sugar can damage the nephrons. Braggs writes that most people can fast for one to three days with no problems. But she suggests that longer fasts be carried out only with a doctor's supervision.
Drinking More Water
The kidneys filter out wastes and create urine, which is stored in the bladder. By drinking more water you create more urine, and therefore more wastes and harmful materials leave the kidney and the body. Drinking water also helps to flush out the urinary tract. Cranberry juice is another liquid often recommended for treating kidney and bladder infections. The American Dietetic Association, in its article "Water, Water Everywhere---How Much Should You Drink?", recommends drinking 64 ounces, or at least eight cups, of fluid each day. Other fruit juices, as well as vegetable juices, are also good sources of fluids. But try to avoid alcohol or caffeine.
Taking Herbs
Diuretic herbs help the body produce more urine, thus flushing out harmful materials. The article "Top 5 Herbs That Promote Kidney Health" on the Natural News website suggests herbs such as uva ursi, green tea, rehmannia and green tea. These herbs stimulate kidney function by increasing blood flow. Diuretics help to remove more fluids from the tissues. Take only one kidney herb at a time. To determine which herb to use and how much to take, consult with an herbalist or alternative healer.