Homemade Lemonade Detox Diet
Deciding to Detox
People detox for many reasons. The first is to help their body become healthier again. Toxins can build up in the body from years of eating foods that are bad for you, such as fried and junk foods. Caffeine, tobacco products, alcohol and drugs can all cause toxins to become built up in the colon and intestines. Detoxing the body from time to time will help quickly flush out all these toxins by way of elimination. The lemonade detox will help you lose weight as well, relieve symptoms of constipation and fatigue, and can possibly make you feel better overall about yourself.
Making the Mix
The ingredients for the homemade lemonade detox are very easy to find as well as inexpensive. They include organic maple syrup, found in health food stores as well as many grocery chains; fresh lemons to be juiced for the drink; and cayenne pepper. Mix 1 tsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice into 8 oz. of water, add 1 tsp. of the maple syrup and a dash or two of the cayenne pepper. Mix well and drink. The recommended amount is 64 oz. (eight glasses) every day.
Possible Side Effects
The lemonade detox diet does have the potential for side effects, although for most people, they are not bothersome. As the body gets rid of the toxins within it, more waste will be eliminated from the bowels, which can lead to frequent bowel movements. Some people feel tired the first couple of days as their body adjusts to the drink and to not eating. However, after the first few days, many people report feeling energized and better than before. Individuals will experience varying results, of course.
Fasting and Other Information
While on the lemonade detox diet, no food is to be eaten whatsoever. The duration of the detox is usually 21 days, although for first-timers, a shorter period can be attempted. You can start out with seven days to get used to the detox, and then increase that until you are comfortable doing the whole 21 days. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, those with eating disorders and those who have an illness should not attempt this detox. Talk to a doctor or nutritionist before starting the lemonade detox diet.