The Best Fungal Cleanse
About The Candida Fungus
If you ask 10 alternative-medical people to name the best fungal cleanse, you are likely to get several different answers. The reason is that there is no one best way to cleanse candida albicans overgrowth (candidiasis). There are too many factors. First of all, the body's natural bacteria have been eroded, so that must be replaced. Second, parasites often invade the colon alongside candida as well as toxins, which are produced as the candida fungus dies. If there was one best way to cleanse candida overgrowth, most colon-cleansing kits would not contain multiple ingredients (i.e. garlic, cayenne pepper). Moreover, no matter what treatment you use for killing the fungus, it probably will not go away unless you change your diet. Candida albicans feeds on sugar and gluten. You also need to make sure you are not overusing antibiotics, corticosteroids and birth control pills. And you need to contain stress levels, as stress can be a contributing factor to excess candida fungus.
If you suffer from internal fungus, you need need to severely limit or eliminate gluten and sugar from your diet. The quandary is that most commercial foods such as bread, pasta, cereal and milk contain gluten--especially wheat. Fortunately, you can substitute these foods with rice products. There are also almond milks available. Unless you have allergies to certain foods, you can continue to eat meat, most legumes (beans), brown rice, vegetables and a minimal amount of fruits (because they contain the sugar fructose). Vegetables contain digestive enzymes that can kill excess fungus.
Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can help replenish your body's natural bacteria. Increasing the good bacteria in your colon and digestive tract will help eliminate candida and any parasites. These supplements are available at any health-food store. Sugar-free yogurt also contains probiotics.
Colon Cleansing
Your anti-fungal treatment should include colon cleansing. Colon-cleansing kits are drinks (powder or syrup) that usually last about one month. Colonic irrigation uses ozonated water to eliminate fungus, parasites and toxins. You can either go to a licensed colon therapist or buy a home colonic unit. Colon cleansing can help eliminate any fecal impactions in the colon, which is where most candida fungus, parasites and toxins congregate.