What Happens in the Body During a Cleanse?
Typically, a cleanse requires you to take in few, if any calories. This will result in hunger pangs, headaches, light-headedness, and possibly nausea during the first few days of the cleanse. When you come off the cleanse you will notice that you will feel full on smaller amounts of food than before.
Liver and other Organs
Because the organs do not have to be responsible for digesting heavy foods, the liver is stimulated to drive toxins from the bloodstream. The body will eliminate toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph nodes, and skin. You may notice mucus discharge from your sinuses and other flu-like symptoms, and pimples or spots on your skin. These are temporary symptoms caused by the body's release of toxins.
During a cleanse you may have more-frequent bowel movements and urination, as water and/or high-fiber foods draw out and eliminate toxins. If you experience excessive diarrhea or constipation you should see a doctor immediately.