Gall Bladder Flush Home Remedy
To do a home remedy gallbladder flush, begin two days before by eating organic apples. Organic apples are suggested because they do not contain any pesticides, but you may also use regular apples if you clean them to remove the waxy protectant that may contain chemicals. Apples are used to soften stones located in the gallbladder, which make them more efficient to pass for a thorough cleaning.
Seek a physicians approval before doing a gallbladder flush. Stones may be large, making them dangerous to pass on your own. The physician may be able to analyze stone formation and determine if they are safe to pass with a home remedy.
Gallbladder Flush
Once you have completed two days of consuming apples, a gallbladder flush home remedy may be used to cleanse it from stones. After the last meal of the day, drink 1 cup of prune juice to increase movement in the intestines. Two hours later, drink an olive oil mixture of ½ cup oil and the juice of one lemon. Once you are done drinking the mixture, lay on your left side immediately to prompt the oil to head toward the gallbladder. Lay in that position for 20 minutes before moving to another position.
The next morning, drink another cup of prune juice to prompt a bowel movement. During the day, you will use the restroom many times, removing potential gallstones. For dinner that night, have a light meal to begin introducing solids food back into the diet.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are some side effects that must be acknowledged. Vomiting, diarrhea and nausea from the olive oil mixture may affect some individuals doing a gallbladder flush, so refrain from doing a cleanse on your own in the future.