The Best Ways to Clean My Body of Toxins
Eating a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit can help keep your body healthy and toxin-free. If you have Candida albicans and toxins, eliminating sugar and gluten from your diet for a while will prevent further growth of the fungus. Candida thrives on these two food substances. This can be a challenge because most commecial foods such as bread, pasta and cereal contain gluten (mainly wheat gluten). Eat brown rice substitutes in place of these foods. You can continue eating meat, vegetables, eggs, legumes, potatoes, some nuts (i.e. almonds), and grains such as millet, basmati rice and buckwheat. Gettin rid of Candida-related toxins means getting rid of the Candida overgrowth as well.
Detoxing and Colon Cleanses
Vegetables contain digestive enzymes. These enzymes can help kill excess Candida in your body and, in turn, eventually eliminate the constant production of their toxins. A number of foods and herbs can also be used to detox. Eating garlic can help eliminate excess Candida and detoxify your body, as can virgin coconut oil. Eat several cloves of garlic per day. The herb pau d'arco can cleanse the body of Candida overgrowth and toxins. Senna and cayenne pepper can also help kill the excess fungus.
Ultimately, most toxins enter the body through the digestive tract. Therefore, colon cleanses are an effective way to rid the body of toxins. You can use a colon-cleansing kit or undergo colonic irrigation, the process of removing toxins by flushing the colon with ozonated water. Colon-cleansing kits are normally used for about one month. Colonic irrigation is usually administered through a licensed colon hydrotherapist for multiple sessions. Home units are also available. Both commercial and home units detox the entire colon, unlike enemas, which flush only the descending part of the colon.
Probiotics are friendly bacteria that can also kill excess Candida and control toxins. Probiotics help replenish your body's natural bacteria, which is eroded by Candida overgrowth. They also help maintain the proper balance between digestive fungus (Candida albicans) and good bacteria, which prevents Candida overgrowth and the production of their toxins. Probiotics are available at most health food stores. Yogurt also contains probiotics and can be used for replenishing your body's natural bacteria.