How to Juice for a Healthy Liver
Things You'll Need
- Juicer
- Blender
- Fresh raw fruits & vegetables
- Juicing recipes that promote liver health
Prepare your body for accepting raw vegetable and fruit juice. Removed fried foods, junk food, coffee and red meat from your diet. Also, stop ingesting refined foods products, such as bagels, white bread, white rice, pasta and potato chips.
Gradually ease into juicing, because drinking raw fruit and vegetable juices produces a powerful cleansing effect upon the body. You may experience a severe headache or even pain if you attempt this without preparing the body. Detoxify your body before you start on any type of juicing regime.
Cleanse and detox your liver by changing what you put into your body; this change enhances hepatic health. To cleanse the liver, include apple cider vinegar, an excellent detoxifier for the entire body in general and the liver in particular. Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of distilled or purified water the first thing each morning.
Each day, eat organic fresh vegetables that enhance the liver's natural ability to flush toxins from the body. Add baked fish and poultry. Salmon is an excellent choice because of its omega content.
Take up to a month; do not rush this preparatory stage to juicing for the liver.
Start juicing by preparing and drinking juice every morning. Choose raw fresh organic spinach, greens, carrots, beets, celery, cabbages, cauliflower, berries or apples. Apples are an excellent detoxifier for the entire body in general and the liver in particular. Apples are often added to vegetable drinks to improve the taste of otherwise bitter drinks. Add the vegetables to the blender hopper and juice. Drink it down immediately. Skip breakfast and eat a healthy lunch and dinner.
Use raw fresh fruits for juicing. Grapefruit, pineapples, apples, watermelon and pears are all good choices for liver health.
Drink vegetable juices liberally to improve your liver health. Drink two to three times daily if you like. However, fruit juices can raise blood sugar levels, so use sparingly. Consider eating a piece of salmon or some tuna to keep blood levels normal.