Natural Colon Stimulant Cleansing
Exercise More
Exercise is one of the best ways to cleanse the colon. The Mayo Clinic states in its article "Constipation" that physical activity stimulates intestinal activity. Through a series of muscle contractions in the colon, the digested food travels through the digestive tract. If muscular activity is sluggish, constipation occurs. Constipation is defined by the Mayo Clinic as infrequent bowel movements of three times a week or less, hard, dry stools or straining during elimination. Exercise alleviates constipation and gets the intestinal muscles functioning better. Any type of exercise is useful. Walking is often recommended as a safe, low-impact form of aerobic exercise.
Eat Fiber
Another way to stimulate the colon is with high-fiber foods. These foods include vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes and fruits. Fiber is an important nutrient for healthy colons, states the Mayo Clinic. The fiber keeps the colon moving by adding more bulk or volume to the waste products. This makes the wastes large and soft so they can easily be moved by the muscle contractions. The "Constipation" article also recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day. Fiber supplement, such as FiberCon, are also available. The amount of fiber you need depends on your weight, age, physical activity level and other variables.
Another way to stimulate the colon is with fluids. Fluids aid the colon by lubricating the digestive tract. The fluids help the foods and wastes move smoothly through the digestive system. Fluids also wash away toxins and debris from the tissues and organs. The fluids also make stools watery and prevents constipation, reports the Mayo Clinic. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day, suggests the American Dietetic Association. To stimulate colon cleansing, drink water, fruit juices or vegetable juices throughout the day. Caffeine and alcohol should be reduced or avoided. These drinks can actually cause dehydration, reports the Mayo Clinic.